Thursday, January 10, 2008

Chicken Chili

Tonight I made the all-time easiest meal.

Chicken Chili

3 chicken breasts cut into bites
1 28oz can crushed tomatoes
2 cans chili hot beans, un-drained
1 Tbsp cumin (does not add heat, only flavor)
a little garlic powder

Put a Tbsp or 2 in a big skillet or pot, heat over med-high heat. Brown chicken till cooked through. Add remaining ingredients, and simmer for a little while. Top with cheese and serve with chips if desired.

I use chicken that I've already cooked in the crock-pot for this recipe, because it shreds and Scott likes that better than browned bites.
Here's how I do that: I buy a bag of frozen, boneless, skinless chicken breasts. I dump them all in the crock-pot, and cover with water and add a little salt. Cook on high till water gets hot, and then turn down to low and cook about 2-3 hours. Let cool, or refrigerate over night. Rinse, then chop and put into freezer bags, 2 cups in each, because this is usually the amount used in casserole recipes. Keep in freezer.
Don't waste all that broth in the crock-pot either! Run it through a strainer, and put it in a container and freeze it to use for soup! It's cheaper than buying broth.

Okay, on to dessert! I made the deceptive brownies, since dinner was so easy. They have carrot and spinach puree in them, and I know most of you would probably not even try them, but I swear they are delicious and you can't even tell there is anything unusual about them. I did make 1 variation from the recipe that I didn't like. I used half white flour, and half whole wheat flour, and they did taste a little too whole-wheaty to me. I tasted the batter before I added the flour, and it was delicious, but after the flour, not as good, so next time I'll stick with white flour for desserts. I made a chocolate icing to cover the wheat flavor. Me and the kids loved them! Scott doesn't like chocolate. I will never understand that about him, he's just not a dessert person, and Reece is somewhat the same way! He only eats a couple bites of sweet things. Weird people!

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