Thursday, November 13, 2008

Las Vegas

I went to Las Vegas with Scott in July. His company was having a trade show there. We stayed at the Paris. The whole experience was surreal. You get off the plane and are immediately bombarded with slot machines, right there at the gate! And then as you move through the concourse, the ads for all the nudey shows! We got to the Paris, and it's all fake like Disney World for grown ups. It's hot as hades there in July, kind of ironic considering all the sinning going on there! And it's so dry, I was in chronic thirst, also hades-like. All I did for the few days we were there is lay by the pool and read. This pic is the view from my chair at the pool.
The view from the window in our room. Looks majestic and relaxing! HA! Not! I have a hard time putting into words the spiritual oppression I felt there. On the flight in I was taking in the Grand Canyon and seeing all the glorious colors of the desert, and there are small mountains all around the city, really an artwork of God out there. But the city is designed to make you forget about God. All you can see from the street is man-made buildings, fountains and lights, all designed to distract you away from God and lure you in to the temptations beyond thier doors.
To top it all off, the food wasn't even that great. Except for the dinner we had at the hotel convention center. We had steak, some kind of potato gratin, and asparagus, a great salad, and creme brulee for dessert. It was all cooked to perfection, I could cut my steak with a fork!

1 comment:

Audrey said...


It was fun seeing a new part of the country (and the grand canyon) but I had my share of Vegas for sure. We would go jogging early in the morning (I'm talking 5:30) and I couldn't get over the people that were either up early or still up, probably the latter. The smell was horrible there. Sin stinks.