Friday, September 26, 2008


Have you seen the recent commercials promoting high fructose corn syrup?

I am offended that they make those of us concerned about the health of our family diets and the ingredients in our foods look like idiots. They say that HFCS is "all natural, made from corn, nutritional as sugar and just fine consumed in moderation."

Here's the problems with these adds. They're funded/made by the Corn Refiners Association, which suffered an historical loss this year, so it's in their best interest, not ours or our kids. The only thing I do agree with is the "moderation" part, the problem with that is that most people get this in excess through the consumption of processed foods, sodas, and juice drinks. Natural would be the actual corn kernel. MODERATION! Kids, and many adults for that matter, don't naturally do moderation, they have to be taught this by mom throughout childhood in order to establish healthy eating habits.

Many researchers have found harmful effects on the body linked to HFCS compared to natural sweeteners such as honey. Here's a link to one such study.

I'm not an extreme "t-totaller" on this, but I do avoid HFCS when possible. I'm a proud label reader, and try to avoid the "middle aisles" of the grocery store. As mom, I take protecting the health of my family quite seriously.

By the way, 2 of these commercials have aired on the channel I'm watching in the time it's taken me to write this. It's almost like they're saying "How dare you deny your kids sugar!" I personally don't care for sugar'd up kids. It affects them negatively. I'm done.