Monday, April 14, 2008


I finally made it into that hammock I was wishing about earlier! I got my tea, my book, and my hat and we headed out of the room with our sand toys. I layed there and read for about an hour while the kids played in the sand! This is the palm tree beside my hammock. When the nice gentle breeze blew, the dried fronds against the trunk made the most glorious swishing sound. Ahhhhh. Sun, gentle breeze, nice sound, good book, hot tea, hammock. I wish I were there now!
Reece found some pirate treasure in the sand!

Alli's 3rd Birthday

Alli's 3rd birthday was while we were in Orlando. I usually do pancakes in the shape of their birthday number for their birthday breakfast, but I obviously couldn't do that in the hotel room! We took a break from the instant oatmeal, and had Mickey Mouse waffles at the restaurant for Alli's birthday.She got orange juice in a fancy "princess" cup!
Reece trying to get close to his waffles for the picture.
Aren't they cute? There were tasty, too!
Here's one of the best pics I got of them together the whole week. That's the lake in the center of the resort in the background, isn't it a pretty scene!?

More Orlando

I may have mentioned this previously, but, they have bikes you can rent, and a nice path around the property, so we did that one morning. Here's Reece on his red bike with the required helmet. We're not big believers in bike helmets at our house. You need to learn to protect your noggin, not bash it uncautiously into things! Alli rode in the seat behind me, she loved that!
It finally got warm enough to swim in the big pool.

Reece stays close to the side, always within my sight, very careful.
Alli would swim all the way across the pool away from me, socializing with everyone along the way, singing and splashing in her own little world.
They are so very different, it astounds me!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Sand and Dinner

Sand writing
Where I wished I was at that moment
This is how I made dinner almost every night. The hotel doesn't have microwaves! I had called about this beforehand, and took food that could be made with hot water from the coffee maker, and took metal bowls small enough to fit on the element to heat the soups. If I had remembered them, I would have gotten those dried soups in the bowls that you just add hot water to, but I had forgotten they made those when I was shopping.
The Disney food is very expensive, and not very tasty or healthy, I learned this lesson on our trip last year. I shipped 2 boxes of food down with the stuff from Scott's office. Including pb crackers, instant oatmeal, instant grits, cheerios, wheat thins, cheezits, rasins, trailmix, chicken salad packets, tuna salad packets, jelly, bread, granola bars, oranges, apples, herbal tea, can soups, etc. This bowl was a little big and we had to bend it a little to make it fit, but it worked!
This is a mule with wings that was in the gift shop. Odd little thing, though cute.

Hot Tub

It was a little too cool the second day to swim in the pool, so we hung out in the hot tub. Reece loves the hot tub, he actually learned to swim without floaties in the hot tub in Daytona Beach! Alli was not as much of a fan, too HOT! She never got any deeper than this right here.

There was a sandy beach right outside our room, beside the lake that is in the center of the property. Hey look, there's mom!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

More Playground

There were swings on the playground, too.

We spotted the Goodyear blimp several time while we were there!

That's the end of day one, I'll post more later, the kids will be up from naps soon.

Play Ground

The Resort has an Aztec theme. They have an awsome playground where we spent lots of time. This is important when your there for a conference, and not going to the Parks every day.

Coronado Springs Resort

Disney's Coronado Springs Resort Lobby
Alli couldn't wait to be a princess in Disney World! She's doing Princess spins on their murphy bed.
Alli pinned Reece
Looking at all the money in the fountain
While I was blinking, Reece stuck his arm in, got his sleeves all wet, and pulled out a quarter, and yes, I made him put it back!


We had an uneventful flight with AirTran over the Great Southern states to Orlando.

Here is some in-flight advertising, keeping the prices low!

Snack time - be sure to bring an empty sippie cup in your carry-on to prevent spills! I wish I had brought one for myself, as I spilled my Coke on my lap! It dried by the time we got there, and wasn't noticeable.

We made it! The kids are watching cartoons in the lobby while Scott checks us in.

Disney Trip - Finally

I am finally able to get my pictures to upload! So, here's Alli spotting our plane. Travel tip: Be sure to bring some small quiet toys and books to play with while you wait for your plane. She had fun with a book that you place magnetic letters in. Reece played Brick Breaker on Scott's Pearl.
Finally, getting on the plane!

Meeting the pilots. Reece thought all those buttons looked really fun!
Reece, Scott, and CoffeeAlli, Me, and Coffee
More to come, I only know how to do this 5 at a time!